Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Contoh Diagram dalam Bahasa Inggris

Diagram of The 7 Habits (Sean Covey)

Text :
The 7 habits build upon each other. Habit 1 (be proactive), habit 2 (begin with the end in mind), habit 3 (put first thing first) deal  with self-mastery. We call it the “private victory.” Habit 4 (think win-win), habit 5 (seek first to understand then to be understood), habit 6 (synergize) deal with relationships and teamwork. We call it be “public victory.” You’ve to get your personal act together before you cn be a good team player. That’s why the private victory comes before the public victory. The last habit, habit 7 (sharpen the saw), is the habit of renewal. It feeds all the other six habits.
(source: The 7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens, Sean Cover page. 6).

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